Eeg of normal brain vs epilepsy
Eeg of normal brain vs epilepsy

You may be asked to take deep and rapid breaths (hyperventilate).The technologist may ask you to do different things during the test to see what activity your brain does at that time. This allows you to stretch and change your position. The recording may be stopped from time to time. The technologist will watch you directly or through a window during the test. You will need to lie still with your eyes closed during the recording. Or the activity may be shown as an image on the computer screen. A machine can show the activity as a series of wavy lines on a piece of paper. The electrodes are hooked by wires to a computer that records the electrical activity in the brain. In rare cases, the electrodes may be attached to the scalp with tiny needles. Instead of separate electrodes, you may wear a cap with several fixed electrodes. A sticky paste is used to hold them in place. The EEG technologist will attach several flat metal discs (electrodes) to different places on your head. Or you may sit in a chair with your eyes closed. You will be asked to lie on your back on a bed or table. The EEG record is read by a doctor who is trained to diagnose and treat problems that affect the nervous system ( neurologist). An EEG may be done in a hospital or in a doctor's office.

Eeg of normal brain vs epilepsy